Egg Recipes

To follow up on our previous post about the benefits of the incredible, edible egg, we’ve decided to share a few of our favorite egg recipes!
The Perfect Hardboiled Egg
Follow these rules and you’ll never have tough, rubbery, stinky eggs again. Alternatively, cheat by using a hard-boiled egg maker to make up to 10 hard-boiled eggs at a time with the push of a button.
Soy Sauce Eggs
Getting bored of plain old hardboiled eggs? Infusing your eggs in a soy sauce mixture turns them into savory, delicious treats. This recipe is for 6, but we’ve found that you can make around 15 at a time – enough for the whole family to enjoy.
Hummus Deviled Eggs
One of our favorite party snacks, and very easy to make (especially if you use an automated boiler). Simply slice those hard boiled eggs in half, toss the yolk, and pipe in some hummus. Have fun experimenting with different garnishes!
Banana Egg Pancakes
This is one of those recipes that’s almost too good to be true. Two eggs and a banana combine to make a guilt-free meal. The consistency is slightly different from a regular pancake; it tastes more like the very soft, moist center of a slice of French toast.
Use a nice, ripe banana. We always blend our mixture (or else we get banana-flavored scrambled eggs), and we make small pancakes that are the size of a handball for easy flipping and nice tall stacks. Top with syrup, nut butters, fruit, or anything you like!
Muffin Frittatas
These frittatas are a fantastic make-ahead solution for those of us who don’t have the time or energy to cook in the early morning. Bake these in the oven the night before, and then simply microwave in the morning. Feel free to add your favorite ingredients!